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Out the other side

Life's a funny and fragile thing.

After the closing of my pop-up gallery I thought it would be full steam ahead and on to the next exciting project tucking that last one firmly and securely behind me...... but disaster struck. My partner in life and love, my absolute rock got ill and ended up in hospital with pneumonia and streptococcus which is a nasty bacteria causing him to have organ failure and resulted in him being in an induced coma for 11 days. So began a period of constant worry and limbo....

It was touch and go for a while and they kept saying he had youth and health on his side which strangely made me laugh... I guess being nearly 50 and lifting your trouser leg to get to your foot to put your socks on still counts as young and fit in the bigger scheme of things!

I can't tell you how awful it was to see him wasting away and how marvellous the doctors and nurses were, I must just say I've not had much to do with hospitals before but it was so clear to see how the cut backs are seriously effecting the amount of care nurses are able to give. Despite this I take my hat off to them they are doing a brilliant job and one I know I just couldn't do.

And it was due to the brilliant job and amazing technology we have (plus Jason's youth etc) that Jason managed to pull through. He couldn't eat, drink or speak, was on dialysis and incredibly frail but within the last few weeks he has made an amazing recovery and it makes me so happy to say he is now home and starting to get on my nerves.... I mean starting to get his life back to normal!

I think we get so engrossed in our lives that it takes things like this to make you stop and realise how lucky and blessed we are. I fully intend to embrace what I have and appreciate the good things in my life.

So it's back to a happier reality again and onwards with the next chapter, I've just managed to fit in the Reading Contemporary Art Fair which was good to do, its so lovely to put on a frock and meet old friends not to mention the people who like your work and give a bit of feedback....oh its really good to sell the odd painting too!

So onwards and upwards! I have a new painting idea cooking in my brain which is fighting with the urge to make something with paper mache...... I wonder who will win?

Me looking very smug in a frock at the RCAF

Oh and lastly why not subscribe to my website and I'll send you a code to get a lovely discount on my original paintings.... once I've worked out how to do it!

Till next time!

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